Music Lessons

Newtown School offers different opportunities to learn an instrument with qualified instructors. Please contact the providers directly. Spaces available.

Guitar lessons available from qualified, experienced tutor. All styles and levels, acoustic and electric. Lessons are organised during the school day. Trinity Guildhall exam options. $22 per half hour one on one lesson. Group lessons also offered.

Julian Taylor (BMus) 021 126 8497

Dynamite Music Group Piano Lessons

Group Piano Lessons
Dynamite Music teach beginners to read music in a fun, low pressure environment. Pirates, animals, secret-agents, Star Wars, nursery rhymes, the circus, movie themes, classical pieces, songs from the radio… there's something for everyone, and each student develops their own musical tastes. Lessons are $13/week and all new students can trial lessons for 2 weeks. Dynamite Music work in 4 primary schools and teach 160 students every week. They also donate 15% of lesson fees to Newtown School for the purchase of new musical equipment.
For more information, email or text Simon on 027 3800 239.